Wednesday 17 March 2010

Rough Cut Conclusion

Here will be the conclusion of my overall opinion of my groups rough cut, The Corridor

My first impression of the rough cut is seems to be a first good first cut with a good range of shots and the basic soundtrack seems to work well. however it does seem apparent a more shock sound for the character JABBA appearances.

I feel there is a good range of shots as there needs to be more shots to be added to the short timeline.

Friday 12 March 2010

Institution Research

Here I am going to research some of the possible institution my groups film could be distributed through after its completion. Some of the ideas we could be looking at could be a Tv Movie or independent film release.

Film four seems to be a promising idea with it mainstream outlet and core audience
which expect differing genre shown on screen each week, Our film would be a good fright to place on there saturday or friday night line up.

With the independent film we believe the film would seem like a great idea
for it to be released as our core characters are original and very easy to enjoy and
to gain a audiences approval

The Corridor Rough Cut

Prelim task